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Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel

Explorer of Human Potential | Life > Death Transitionalist | Multi-Dimensional Artist and Marketing Innovator

Born a creative empath, LEE ANN HELTZEL is most comfortable unearthing her next grandest adventure exploring what is possible within the capabilities of human potential and integrating these new traits into practical applications.

Decades of exploring spirituality and human potential through have led Lee Ann to trust more and more in her own extraordinary capacities and to support this discovery for individuals, groups, and all of humanity. Lee Ann believes that creativity and imagination are gateways into higher states of consciousness affecting the morphogenetic field and are the cornerstone of her work.

By trade, Lee Ann is a visual artist, art director, graphic designer, and marketing guru. Her multi-dimensional marketing firm, Creative One, caters to conscious creatives and leading-edge thinkers where she taps into the highest potentials for a brand through her Signature MetaInsight™ process.

MetaArt and Ocular Meditation was birthed during her development of Creativity Camp and the Immersive MetaProcess. In 2019, she was guided to begin channeling specific frequencies that would support humanity at this time, to support our spiritual evolution. She continues to listen to Source and follow this higher compass to her own next evolutionary unfolding.


“Life is an adventure and should be ‘opened’ rather than ‘planned’ to perpetually seek what is possible and then leaping into the mystery.”
—Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel


Death Doula – Bridge to the other side

At an early age, Lee Ann was able to assist those who were crossing over, creating a safe and loving space for the death experience to unfold. She fostered this natural esoteric ability for decades, working from the ‘side of spirit’ to support both loved ones and strangers who would ask for assistance.

Accessing Higher Dimensions – Bridge to Higher Awareness

Years of this work revealed to her how to access higher dimensions of awareness that she organically integrated into her branding and marketing firm as well as her channeled frequency MetaArt paintings.

Lee Ann is the grandmother of two, mother of three, and a passionate Pittsburgh Steeler fan. When not traveling extensively sharing her work, she is nestled in her art studio in the hills of Western Pennsylvania. 



The journey of a human potentialist.

In this thought-provoking interview with fellow human potentialist, Jennifer Evanko, Lee Ann speaks a bit to her personal journey and how living in a state of constant expansion has impacted her multi-dimensional branding and marketing firm, Creative One as well as her MetaArt frequency paintings and the emergence of Ocular Meditations. To learn more about Jennifer Evanko and AIC-The Conversation, go to
