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MetaArt and Ocular Meditation


Where art becomes a portal to higher consciousness for individuals and practitioners

A new genre of art, MetaArt are effortless portals from this reality into higher states of consciousness. Imagine walking into a room that is vibrating with a supportive frequency, gracefully shifting all who enter into a more resonant state of being

Ocular Meditation, or the ancient Sanskrit practice of Trataka, an eyes-open meditation has been used throughout time as a way to use the sense of sight to reach a meditative state. When combined with MetaArt the experience becomes richly multi-dimensional.

Vision is one of the strongest of the human senses and assimilates our surroundings. Our vision is connected to the ‘third eye’ as the retina sends signals to the hypothalamus, which passes them on to the pineal gland. This frequency bypasses our intellect and interacts with our sub and super consciousness as well as our connection to the Divine.


Meditating with your eyes open and gazing upon a specific object, can help to improve focus and concentration, as well as reduce mental chatter and distractions. It can also be beneficial for those who have trouble quieting their minds and relaxing during traditional closed-eye meditation. Some people find it easier to maintain an open-eyed meditation practice as it doesn't make them drowsy as compared to closed eye meditation.

Many of the MetaArt Frequency Paintings has sacred multi-dimensional music created specifically for that frequency, each by talented sound healers and musicians thus adding to the sensory experience.

By using sight and sound resonating the same frequency calms the mind, enhances the liminal experience as well as healing and balancing the energy body. All combine effortlessly together to journey you into a state of expanded consciousness.

MetaArt Heal, Love and Unity offer the addition of sound.


During my Creativity Camp several years ago, I began channeling the specific Creation Point (Source) of my clients.  The results were astounding! Imagine a resonate field created by a piece of artwork… that holds the frequency of your higher potential.

The purpose is to bring Divine guidance and Soul direction into form and grounding it into physical reality. The paintings act as a portal for the individual or organization to more easily step back into that higher sacred space after our retreats conclude.

Early in 2020, I was guided to begin infusing my work with the frequencies that would support humanity at this time, to support our spiritual evolution.

I can be commissioned channeled MetaArt for those interested in a visual and energetic connection to one’s higher self.

By using the sense of sight and aligning energetically to desired frequencies, a portal to higher states of awareness can be obtained.



Lee Ann is a trained artist and a gifted esoteric practitioner. When she creates MetaArt, she is less the artist and more the conduit of the energy flowing through her.

Simply hanging a piece of MetaArt in a room generates a frequency that shifts the space.

These paintings are alive with energy, vital with potential  and saturated with  sacred connection. This potent and powerful frequency supports the environment AND anyone in coming in contact (whether consciously or unconsciously) with the piece.

For instance, when MetaArt “Peace” is present, the energy of the room becomes drenched with the frequency of peace. This affects the entire environment increasing the level of peace and the availability of tranquility and harmony for all who enter the space.


“I became acutely aware of the rise and fall of my chest and the slowing of my breath.

The painting would appear to pulsate at times like a heartbeat. Colors and details that were not visible initially became visible. I felt very relaxed, connected to Source, open and held in loving arms. Meditating with Lee Ann’s painting of Peace provides me a beautiful and deeply restful journey into a multi-dimensional experience that continues to unfold.”

— Kandrea


MetaArt can be used as a meditative focus in an eyes open meditation or ‘gazing’.

Gazing is a meditative practice that can be found in religions and spiritual practices throughout time.  Referred to as trataka (“to look at”) in Sanskrit, it is said to bring energy to the “third eye” and promote psychic powers. In Christian contemplation it is used as a gaze of faith (meditating with eyes open) using the active sense of sight to keep the mind still.

Using a piece of MetaArt as your focal point for your Ocular Meditation results in an astounding experience that gracefully opens you to dimensions beyond what the thinking mind can access - and into higher states of consciousness and connection.





  1. Allow your eye to gravitate to one spot on the artwork.
  2. Stay focused on that one spot and relax your gaze.
  3. As you breathe in, breath in LOVE (or the appropraite frequency)
  4. As you breathe out, breathe out LOVE
  5. Each meditation will go deeper, bringing you more profoundly into LOVE
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Ocular Meditations with personal commissioned MetaArt deeply engages a person to their own higher self where pure magic unfolds.

Lee Ann explains MetaArt with a 10-minute Ocular Meditation:

Fully Realized Self

